otium sanctum, Latin for "holy leisure", is my attempt to give a glimpse into my life. All subjects and topics may appear, from Payuer to peanuts or quantum mechanics to Quebec Lima

Sunday, June 26, 2005

Folding fitted sheets...

I stayed home today. I didn’t go to church. Nairobi Chapel’s two hour service did not seem appealing at 9:43 when I woke up. The spiritual side tried to rationalise that fellowship with other believers is essential and good, and besides, two hours is half the length of some African services…but to no avail. Instead, I watched a yellow butterfly, black cricket, green gecko, and brown ibis, go about their activities…all oblivious that it was the Sabbath and they should be resting. Instead, I listened to Pachebel’s Cannon in D major, Allegri’s Miserere, and the multitude of birds singing their merry hearts out. Instead I sipped on a special cup of tea (using my second to last passion/peach tea bag that I snagged from Tianna’s stash), and later made a Tango Hotel martini and tonic (secret is in the raspberries). Instead, I folded laundry put out by Esther, including twin fitted sheets. There is a trick to folding them, but one Theresa taught me when we worked together at the Teton Tree House in Wilson, Wyoming…see all things have a purpose and place. Instead, I sat in my beautiful backyard that could be award winning if Mrs. Bamber would add her special touch. Instead, I enjoyed the presence of Abba alone…and even without singing worship songs in Swahili.


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