otium sanctum, Latin for "holy leisure", is my attempt to give a glimpse into my life. All subjects and topics may appear, from Payuer to peanuts or quantum mechanics to Quebec Lima
Saturday, March 18, 2006
Farewell Kenya and my Medair family and hello…
America. Due to changing circumstances (internal structural change and my desire to get my PhD), I changed my contract with Medair to one year, thus my time was up 19 March. I really will miss Nairobi, Kenya, and all my colleagues in Medair. This year has been truly spectacular. Medair is an amazing organization to work for, so I highly recommend it to those considering a relief and development career. My love for Africa was renewed, for I got to experience East Africa and her people in more intimate ways in the last 12 months. You will all be missed dearly!
was an emotionally dichotomistic experience. Rwanda has to be one of the most beautiful countries in Africa. This small mountainous country is full of not only natural beauty, but the human beauty was alive and well 12 years after the world witnessed one of the most horrendous carnages conducted by mankind. Close to one million people (Tutsis, Hutus, and Twa) were slaughtered between April and June 1994.